Quarterly Give Rules
- Four (4) times per year our members attend a Give where each member gives $100.
- Each member has the opportunity to nominate a local charity. There are eligibility requirements and nominations must be submitted at least two (2) weeks prior to the next quarterly Give.
- At each meeting, three (3) nominated and approved charities will be randomly drawn “from the hat”. The nominating members will be asked to make an informal presentation, of up to five (5) minutes, to the group about their charity’s mission and why it is deserving of the members’ vote (no PowerPoint or collateral materials, please). The members, whose charities were drawn, must be in attendance and available to present her charity to the group. If a member is not in attendance the charity doesn’t go into the hat to be drawn.
- Only members will have the opportunity to ask questions after each presentation.
- After the presentations and Q&A, an anonymous ballot is held and the charity with the most votes will be the recipient.
- Each member gives $100 to the winning charity – no exceptions. There is no proxy voting.
- The member who nominated the recipient charity will be asked to participate in the presentation of the Give money to the awarded charity.
- The selected charity is then invited back to the next meeting to share with members the impact their donations have made.